
WarDragon DJI DroneID Remote Detection Over Halow-U Mesh w/ AntSDR e200 + Kismet (DJI Mini 2)

In this technical YouTube video, I show a process of remotely decoding DJI DroneID with the WarDragon kit and AntSDR e200 (plugged into the side of the WarDragaon via USB/Ethernet) ...while seamlessly integrating Kismet. The e200 is doing the heavy lifting when it comes to decoding the DJI DroneID data in real-time  while analyzing the Ocusync protocol frequencies.

Utilizing a specialized (test/beta) firmware from MicroPhase, accessible here:

The AntSDR e200 captures and decodes DJI DroneID data with precision. Keep in mind when loaded with this firmware, that's all the AntSDR e200 will do.

Remote access to the WarDragon over a mesh network was facilitated by the Halow-U adapter provided by Alfa.

Leveraging the Halow protocol within the 900MHz spectrum, I established a remote desktop connection and was able to control and do everything I needed.

Please note that you will need the latest Kismet nightly build or wait for the next stable release of Kismet, at which point a sudo apt upgrade will likely get you what you need on the WarDragon.

WarDragon available here (when in stock):

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