
WarDragon SDRTrunk Test, Trunk-Recorder Setup, and CyberEther Quick Fix (Airspy R2, P25 Phase II)

Welcome to the WarDragon, your all-in-one solution for software-defined radio (SDR) enthusiasts! In this video, I'll walk you through setting up two powerful tools, SDRTrunk and Trunk-Recorder, to effortlessly monitor ...P25 Phase II networks.

** It was brought to my attention that I should point out that you should check your local laws and regulations when it comes to listening to public and emergency services unencrypted communications. **

First up, we'll dive into configuring SDRTrunk to harness the full potential of your Airspy R2 SDR, utilizing its impressive 10MHz wide capability. With SDRTrunk, you'll be able to seamlessly track talk channels by simply inputting the control frequency.

Next, I'll demonstrate the swift installation process of Trunk-Recorder. With just one additional package installation and a quick JSON config file setup, you'll be ready to decode and record audio from a P25 network effortlessly.

Unrelated, but still important, I'll troubleshoot an issue I noticed when connecting to a headless CyberEther instance. A simple fix involving removing a specific .bin file from the gstreamer directory and restarting CyberEther resolved the issue I was seeing.

Join me on the WarDragon as we unlock the full potential of SDR technology and revolutionize your monitoring experience.

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