
WarDragon Remote Drone ID Detection Update w/ Node-Red Map Plotting (Sniffle, DragonTooth)

In this video, I'll guide you through the setup of a modified Sniffle repository designed to decode FAA Remote ID from drones, focusing specifically on Bluetooth 5 Long Range Extended ...types. I'm using DragonOS, specifically on a WarDragon configured with all the necessary equipment. Let's dive into the details!

*Key Highlights:*
- *Repository Setup on DragonOS:* Step-by-step instructions to set up the modified Sniffle repository on DragonOS, tailored for FAA Remote ID decoding.
- *Bluetooth 5 Long Range Extended:* In-depth focus on capturing and decoding signals using Bluetooth 5 Long Range Extended.
- *Troubleshooting Node-Red:* Tips and tricks for resolving common issues with a Node-Red Docker setup. Mostly my fault.
- *Sniffle with ZMQ Server:* How to start up the Sniffle Python code with ZeroMQ server support.
- *Node-Red Flow Configuration:* Configuring a Node-Red flow to connect to the Sniffle ZMQ server and process the decoded drone information.
- *Plotting on a World Map:* Displaying decoded drone information, including latitude and longitude, on a world map.

*Understanding Remote ID and Regulations:*
The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) in the United States and equivalent regulatory bodies in Europe require drones to broadcast their identification and location for safety and security purposes. Remote ID acts as a digital license plate for drones, providing crucial information to law enforcement and other agencies to enhance airspace safety.

*Why Tracking Drones is Helpful:*
Tracking drones can significantly enhance safety and security by providing real-time information about drone activities. This is particularly important for preventing unauthorized drone operations in sensitive areas, assisting in the coordination of drone traffic, and ensuring compliance with aviation regulations.

*Ethical Use and Testing:*
It's important to note that the modified Sniffle repository includes the ability to transmit Remote ID packets for testing purposes. This feature is intended solely for educational and development purposes. I strongly discourage any misuse of this capability and urge viewers to use this feature responsibly and ethically.

By the end of this video, you'll have a fully functional setup capable of decoding FAA Remote ID signals from drones using Bluetooth 5 Long Range Extended and visualizing the data on a world map using Node-Red.

*Links to the Repository:*
Modified Fork
FlightViewGui (mentioned in the video)

WarDragon available here (when in stock):

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