June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 – Meshtastic SDR, DragonTooth, and Artemis

This week in DragonOS…

Highlight of the Week: Meshtastic Receiver Implementation in GNU Radio…

DragonTooth Addition to the WarDragon…

Artemis Version 4 Released…

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Highlight of the Week: Meshtastic Receiver Implementation in GNU Radio

Josh Conway, aka “crankylinuxuser”, aims to implement a full transceiver stack for a software defined radio (SDR) to enable it to act as a node on a Meshtastic radio network. Currently, the transmit functionality is still in development, but you can experiment with his receive capabilities by cloning his GitLab repository: https://gitlab.com/crankylinuxuser/meshtastic_sdr. Meshtastic uses LoRa at the physical layer, but it is important to note that Meshtastic’s network layer is not LoRaWAN. LoRaWAN is a specification maintained by the LoRa alliance. Meshtastic does not comply with this specification, you can read more about why its developers chose to diverge from the LoRaWAN standard and other facts about the frequencies, bandwidth, and power available on Meshtastic Networks here: https://meshtastic.org/docs/overview/. Lastly, Conway’s solution to implementing a full transceiver stack for Meshtastic on a SDR is not as trivial as connecting up a GNU Radio Source block to gr-lora_sdr: https://github.com/tapparelj/gr-lora_sdr. gr-lora_sdr is a dependency of the transceiver stack, but crankylinuxuser’s implementation builds a network decoder on the physical layer transceiver provided by gr-lora_sdr.
Meshtastic_SDR can run on any SDR that is supported by the Soapy driver, which means if you have a HackRF, BladeRF, SDRPlay, PlutoSDR, Airspy, or RTLSDR you can try out this project. The benefit of implementing this transceiver on a SDR rather than a microcontroller connected to a LoRa chip, like the SX1262, is that you can look at multiple channels simultaneously. This includes each of the seven presets! Contrast this with a Meshtastic-specific device that is configured to operate on one channel at a time. This means, with enough processing power, you can:
  • Implement a sniffer to monitor for Meshtastic traffic near you
  • Create a node that siphons all preset channel traffic and feeds it into Meshtastic’s public MQTT server. Here’s a map of all nodes connected to this public server: https://map.technicallyrural.com/. 
  • Visualize and troubleshoot your Meshtastic-specific device without needing to purchase multiple devices
As a final note, if you decide to run Meshtastic_SDR on DragonOS, be careful not to install the most recent version of protobuf with Python when testing out Meshtastic_SDR. Other applications, like Kismet, depend on older version of the protobuf that is already installed on DragonOS. Therefore to run this you should be within a virtual environment. Watch Cemaxecuter walk trhough this process in his recent video:

DragonTooth Addition to the WarDragon

Cemaxecuter is back at it again with the updates to the WarDragon. This last week he officially released a new listing of the WarDragon that includes the capability for RemoteID drone detection, aptly named “DragonTooth”, that was mentioned in the blog from last week and the week before. Check out the new listing: https://cemaxecuter.com/?product=wardragon-w-case.

Among the various key features that Cemaxecuter lists on his website, special care was taken to ensure that interference from the addition of the DragonTooth would be limited. Cemaxecuter experimented with various internal layouts of the WarDragon and used a separate SDR to determine whether interference was present or not. In some misconfigurations, interference was noticeable in the 100 MHz range. If you purchase the newest edition of the WarDragon and want to make custom changes to the layout, keep this aspect in mind to save yourself from hours of troubleshooting.

Coming soon to the WarDragon, Cemaxecuter plans updates to the internal custom 3D printed framing. PETG plastic will be substituted for PLA to provide for greater temperature resistance, and some framing modifications will ensure that all peripheral components are seated in the optimal position to prevent components from jarring loose in rugged outdoor travel conditions.

Artemis Version 4 Released

Last week the developers behind Artemis, software for assisting “radio frequency (RF) signal identification and storage”, released version 4. Check it out here: https://aresvalley.github.io/Artemis/. It currently contains nearly 495 recognized signals and also provides some assistance for space weather tracking. You can review the full changelog between version 3.2.4 and their version 4 release, but the RTLSDR blog did a good job of summarizing recent improvements: https://www.rtl-sdr.com/tag/artemis/.
After some troubleshooting with the developers, Artemis can run on DragonOS which means that its users will have the ability to search this offline database when trying to identify signals on the radio spectrum. Perhaps in the future, contributions will pair signals to the various tools that reside in DragonOS to enable quick analysis.
If you want to try out Artemis on DragonOS, let us know whether or not it ends up working for you. Here are the steps that should allow you to run v4.0.3:
~$ git clone https://github.com/Aresvalley/Artemis.git
~$ cd Artemis
~/Artemis$ git checkout v4.0.3
~/Artemis$ sudo apt-get install libxcb-cursor0
~/Artemis$ python3 -m venv .venv
~/Artemis$ source .venv/bin/activate
(venv) ~/Artemis$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(venv) ~/Artemis$ python3 app.py 

If successful, you should see the Artemis window below appear. To exit the Python virtual environment, simply enter the command deactivate in the terminal.

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2 responses to “June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 – Meshtastic SDR, DragonTooth, and Artemis”

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  1. Truly quite intriguing post. I was searching for this sort of data and delighted in perusing this one. Continue posting. Much obliged for sharing 바카라사이트

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