July 8th to July 14th, 2024 – Map Visualization for RemoteID and Reimaging the WarDragon

This week in DragonOS…

Highlight of the Week: Map Visualization Now Available for RemoteID…

WarDragon Reimaging Instructions Coming Soon…

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Highlight of the Week: Map Visualization Now Available for RemoteID

In the very first blog post, we highlighted the utility of Sniffle to decode RemoteID packets. bkerler, aka @viperbjk, has recently extended the functionality of this firmware with updates to the Python CLI. Check out his updates here: https://github.com/bkerler/Sniffle. His updates add two key features:

  • sending parsed remoteID output to ZMQ
  • ability to transmit from a Sonoff for testing purposes

The reason why sending parsed output to ZMQ is useful is because applications like NodeRed can receive the published JSON and parse it in order to do things like updating the position of the detected drone on a map. Watch Cemaxecuter walk though this process in his recent YouTube video:

With the DragonTooth, WarDragon owners can now monitor for RemoteID packets and visualize updates on a map. This application is similar to the ADSB, VDL2, and ACARS visualization applications contained within Flight View GUI; in fact, the NodeRed flow is based off of one of the Docker containers within the flightviewGUI application. Check out the modifications here: https://github.com/alphafox02/flightview_gui

Cemaxecuter is also working on a version to parse the ZMQ output of the Sniffle receiver into TAK, but that is still in development. If you’d like to contribute, his latest progress is here: https://github.com/alphafox02/RIDtoTAK

WarDragon Reimaging Instructions Coming Soon

With the new version of DragonOS Focal released recently and now available on SourceForge, the WarDragon owners are also due for an update.

There will be a video released soon that will show how to update the computer inside the WarDragon as well as how to store any files youre interested in backing up to take to the next version. If you do not get an email by July 19th (this Friday) and purchased a WarDragon, please reach out to Cemaxecuter to receive the files you’ll need. The video instructions will alert you to this, but just to make it clear ahead of time, you will not use the USB hub to conduct the reimage. The drive and Clonezilla Live USB will need to be connected directly to the WarDragon’s USB ports.

The process will use Clonezilla to reimage the WarDragon to R36, so in the meantime, back up any key files you wish to take to the new update. To help facilitate a backup, DragonOS comes with Timeshift by default.

Alternatively, you can send Cemaxecuter a drive with return shipping for a free upgrade as shown in the X post below: https://twitter.com/cemaxecuter/status/1813364075914547403

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