July 29th to August 4th, 2024 – New Release of DragonOS Pi64 and Modifications to the WarDragon

This week in DragonOS…

Highlight of the Week: Latest DragonOS Pi64 Released…

WarDragon Modifications…

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Highlight of the Week: Latest DragonOS Pi64 Released

Keeping pace with the release of DragonOS R36 for x86_64 a couple of weeks ago and an updated WarDragon image, this past week R36 for the RaspberryPi64 was released and is currently available on SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dragonos-pi64/files/.

Unfortunately, Cemaxecuter was not able to get CyberEther working in this rollout, but many tools were updated and added. One of these additions includes verified support for the CaribouLite hat. Check out the post on X: https://x.com/cemaxecuter/status/1820655468512936183

The full list of additions and updates is listed below, but also available on SourceForge:

  • All system packages
  • Kismet
  • GNURadio 3.10.11
  • GR-Funcube
  • GR-SDRPlayv3
  • GR-Tempest
  • GR-Iridium
  • GR-RDS
  • GR-Paint
  • GR-GSM
  • GR-Osmosdr/IQBal
  • GR-Dect2
  • SDRPlay API 3.15 (run installer in /usr/src)
  • SoapySDRPlay v3
  • SigDigger
  • Iridium Toolkit
  • Whisper CPP
  • SatDump
  • SDR++
  • DumpVDL2
  • DumpHFDL
  • RTL 433
  • GQRX
  • SDRAngel
  • Sparrow WiFi
  • Tetra Kit
  • RustDesk 1.2.7 appimage /usr/src
  • (Fixed) OpenSSH installed on first boot allowing for ssh access without a reboot.

Have fun at DEFCON this week to all who are attending. Remember each day to get at least 3 hours of sleep, eat at least 2 meals, and take at least 1 shower. See you at the RF Village!

WarDragon Modifications

With DEFCON this week and the GNU Radio Conference later in September, the WarDragon is taking on some experimental features to see what people like and don’t like about the system. Riding with Cemaxecuter this week to DEFCON is a WarDragon that has a laser cut acrylic top plate in place of a 3D printed PLA plate as well as an AntSDR E200 for receive and transmit functionality. Check out the post on X: https://x.com/cemaxecuter/status/1820869119253659970

The acrylic top plate adds both cosmetic and functional improvements over the old 3D printed part. Functionally, the acrylic is far more temperature and impact-resistant than the PLA. As far as looks go, the laser cutter also can etch greyscale images onto the plate which increases its potential for customization. In the trial part above you can see the DragonOS logo emblazened just above the SDR – a reminder of the powerful software that complements SDR hardware for a variety of useful applications.

The AntSDR E200 is a significant hardware upgrade from the receive-only AirSpy that currently ships with the WarDragon. While the AirSpy is on the high end of receive-only SDRs, its frequency range is limited to ~1700MHz, can only process 10MHz of bandwidth, and is constrained by a USB2.0 interface. The AntSDR E200 on the other hand can transmit and receive from 70 MHz to 6 GHz, process 60 MHz of bandwidth, and send data to a PC via Ethernet. Its on-board FPGA can ease the processing burden of any CPU that connects to the AntSDR E200, allowing it to host Openwifi, srsRAN, and OsmoBTS.

If you would like the option for an enhanced WarDragon to be available for purchase in the future, let Cemaxecuter know about it on X or just leave a comment below on this post.

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